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Our Senior Pastors


Senior Pastor Dr. Kobby Sarpong

As Chief Servant and senior pastor, my faith background has profoundly shaped my beliefs and values. I grew up in a Methodist Church, which instilled a love for God and His Word. This upbringing has empowered me to teach His Word boldly without fear.

Incorporating my faith into my daily life and pastoral work is vital. I lead by example and live what I teach. It's not enough to preach the Word without putting it into practice. Therefore, I seek to follow Jesus Christ closely, setting a good example for my congregation.

My desire is to help and guide members of RCC in their personal faith journeys. I do this by leading them to follow Jesus Christ as I follow Him. Our focus is to live according to the Scriptures, with a heart for prayer, worship, and serving others.

One event that significantly influenced my faith and beliefs was when God miraculously healed me after an operation. The doctors gave me a grim diagnosis, but through Jesus Christ, I received complete healing. This experience has strengthened my faith and trust in God's power to heal and restore.

As a senior pastor, I hold our church's core values in high esteem. My top three core values are soul-winning, service, and spiritual growth. These values serve as a compass for me as I guide our congregation toward fulfilling our church's vision. At RCC, we have specific programs and initiatives aimed at promoting spiritual growth and connections. For new members, I highly encourage them to engage in soul-winning, youth empowerment, and discipleship programs. Through these, they can develop a deeper understanding of the Word of God and grow in fellowship with others.

My favorite scripture verse after the church vision verse is Galatians 6:7. It reminds me that we will reap what we sow, and we must remain steadfast in doing good. Outside of my pastoral work, I enjoy engaging in various hobbies and interests. These include watching selected movies, playing soccer and table tennis, and reading. These hobbies help me to unwind and remain rejuvenated for the work of the ministry.

I am excited to be a part of RCC, and I look forward to serving and growing with you in our faith journey.

Senior Pastor Mrs. Elizabeth Sarpong

As Senior Pastor of RCC, I am honored to share with you the story of how my faith has been shaped by my background. My experiences have taught me that whenever there is a challenge, God comes through as always and never fails me. This has strengthened my faith, beliefs, and values as a pastor.

In my daily life and work as a pastor, I prioritize prayer, never doubting any matter that comes my way, and always putting God first in everything I do. I know that by doing so, I can serve RCC better and guide our members in their own personal faith journeys.

One way I guide members is by meeting and praying with them, reminding them to never give up on any challenges they face and giving them scriptures to pray with. I also encourage new members to engage in initiatives such as Kingdom Friends (our Evangelism team) or joining any department of their choice that will promote their growth and spiritual connection with God.

Our core values at RCC are essential to who we are as a church, and my top three are: Praying regularly, Service and Stewardship in God’s House, and Commitment to Excellence. These values are the foundation of our church community and the basis of everything we do.

My favorite scripture verse after the church vision verse is Isaiah 30:15, which reminds us to trust in God and find rest in Him. Outside of my pastoral work, I enjoy cooking, cleaning, and decorating my surroundings, which is my home.

As your Senior Pastor, it is my joy to share with you the love of Christ and guide you on your faith journey. Together, let us continue to prioritize prayer, service, stewardship, and excellence as we grow in our love for God and for one another.

Associate Pastors


Pastor Felix Impraim

As a pastor, my faith background has instilled in me a passion for God that guides me in everything I do. I live by Psalm 63:8, following hard after God even in the face of adversity. My faith is like a rugged and tough mustard seed that perseveres through any situation, never giving up and always striving towards God's will.


Incorporating my faith into my daily life and work is a top priority. I seek to deepen my love and understanding of God through constant fellowship with the Holy Spirit, which empowers me to fulfill my calling with joy and purpose. As a guide to members of RCC, I encourage practical application of Christian principles, reminding them that our walk with God is a marathon, not a sprint (Luke 9:23).


Two key experiences have influenced my faith - discipline and silence. I stay obedient to God's commands even when it's not easy or convenient (1 Corinthians 10:23). From our First Lady, I learned the power of silence - people can't misquote what we don't say. Instead, I focus on producing results, knowing that I'll be held accountable for every word I speak (Matthew 12:36).


To promote spiritual growth and connections, I encourage new members to engage in Bible Study, evangelism, and intercessory prayer. These programs and initiatives provide a solid foundation in the truth that empowers how we act (Timothy 2:4) and calls upon the name of the Lord through prayer to bring about transformation in the lives of our members.


My favorite scriptures are Titus 1:15 and Isaiah 54:17, and my hobbies outside of pastoral work include singing, swimming, and hockey.


Pastor Oladele Ogunfeyimi

As a pastor, I aim to help and guide members of RCC in their personal faith journeys by continuously striving to live a lifestyle that reflects Jesus Christ, the author and finisher of our faith. I believe that it is essential to live a life that is consistent with what we preach, and I am committed to helping others grow in their faith as they witness my commitment to God's word.


The simplicity of Jesus Christ and his teachings has strongly influenced my life, and it has shaped my approach to ministry. Jesus taught with focus, discipline, resilience, and a strong pursuit of his divinity as ordained by God, and I seek to emulate these qualities in my pastoral work.


My favorite scripture verse is Psalm 1:3. This verse reminds me of the importance of staying rooted in God's word and seeking to live a life that bears fruit and brings glory to his name.


I encourage new members of RCC to engage in specific programs and initiatives that promote spiritual growth and connections, such as membership class, Bible School, Water baptism, the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, Proclaimed fasting & prayer seasons, and Evangelism. These programs are designed to equip and empower members to grow in their faith and to serve God and their community.


Outside of pastoral work, I enjoy reading, watching soccer, personal development, and spending quality time with my family. I believe that it is essential to have a balanced life and to take care of ourselves as we seek to serve others in ministry.


Pastor Kwesi Badu

My faith background has been deeply rooted in the Christian faith from a young age. I grew up in a family that instilled in me the fear of God, and that helped shape my values and beliefs. As an adult, I became even more interested in serving the Lord, and in 2013, I accepted the call to Ministry and Pastoral work. Since then, I have been committed to serving God with my whole heart. I believe that faith is fundamental to our Christian life, and I incorporate my faith into everything I do. I trust God for guidance in my choices, decisions, and activities, and I believe that this trust and faith are critical to leading others in their faith journeys.


I find great joy in guiding members of the RCC in their personal faith journeys. Through the help of the Holy Spirit, I can offer directions and support as they walk in faith, following the examples and teachings of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.


There have been many experiences and events that have influenced my faith and beliefs as a Pastor, but one that stands out is my immigration to the United States. The process of becoming a citizen was nothing short of miraculous, and it showed me that with God, all things are possible. This experience has helped me trust in God's wondrous works and believe that He can do the impossible in our lives. My favorite scripture is Romans 12:2. It reminds us not to be conformed to the things of this world but to be transformed by the renewing of our minds, so we can prove what is good and acceptable and perfect in God's will.


If you're a new member of RCC, I would encourage you to attend the new membership classes to better understand our mission, vision, and core values. I also recommend enrolling in the RCCBI for personal spiritual growth and empowerment. As a Pastor, I am committed to serving faithfully and diligently in the house of God.


Outside of pastoral work, I have many hobbies and interests, including playing Gospel music and watching soccer. I also enjoy cleaning my home and yard, spending quality time with my lovely wife, and walking my poodle doggies, Gentle and RSK.


Pastor Sylvain Achu

My faith journey began in 1987 when I became born again while in college in Nigeria. That same year, I was filled with the Holy Spirit and began to discover the Lord from his word. I knew then that I was called into the ministry of reconciliation and charged with leading men back to God. I incorporate my faith into my daily life and work by committing myself to total obedience to the word of God. This means that in every area of my personal life and ministry, I strive to obey His will and follow His commands.


As the Men’s Pastor at RCC, I help and guide members in their own personal faith journeys by reminding the men of the ministry of John the Baptist: to turn the hearts of the fathers back to their children and families and to build stronger family bonds in order to raise godly children.


One specific experience that has influenced my faith and beliefs as a pastor is when doctors declared that my wife would never be able to have a child. However, I took God at His word, believed Him, and He gave me a testimony. My son reminds me of the faithfulness of God and the immutability of His word. One of my favorite scripture verses after the church vision verse is Luke 1:37, which says, "For with God, nothing shall be impossible." This verse serves as a reminder to me and the RCC community that no matter how impossible a situation may seem, nothing is beyond God's power and ability.


At RCC, we have specific programs and initiatives that I encourage new members to engage in to promote spiritual growth and connections. All new members should be actively involved in evangelism and should also join an activity group based on their gifts and talents to serve and fellowship.


Outside of my pastoral work, my greatest hobby is reading the word of God. I am passionate about setting up the next generation to succeed spiritually, so I take time to teach my children the deep truths of God's word. I also enjoy traveling and trying new dishes that my wife keeps inventing.


Pastor Paul Babatunde

I was born into a Muslim family and grew up reading the Quran at a very young age. However, growing up as a Muslim during times of crisis left me with no hope for the future. It wasn't until I gave my life to Christ at the Redemption Camp on December 31st, 1995 that I found complete peace and purpose in God. This new faith has completely shaped my life and taught me to rest in God and trust Him completely.


My faith in Christ has given me the assurance that if God gave me Jesus, then I can have everything if I put my trust in Him. This has made me live a life of contentment in Him daily. As a pastor, I have been called to bring the light of the word of God to the understanding of the people, to let them know that they can build relationships with God and have the same access as I always do.


One specific experience that has influenced my faith and beliefs as a pastor was when my best friend's daughter was very sick. I went there, knelt in the ambulance, prayed, and told God that if she's healed, I will leave everything to work for His kingdom. And God did heal the dying girl. Also, when I made up my mind to do the work of the ministry, God told me that He will give us a house in two years, and God fulfilled it. My journey as a full-time pastor has been very fulfilling.


As a pastor, I teach every member to be a committed worker, to attend the Bible school for an increase in their knowledge and spiritual growth, and to build a deep relationship with God. This is a commandment that we all must follow.


For new members of the church, I encourage them to attend the membership class, ensure that they are baptized both in the Holy Ghost and by immersion, and join a department in the church to serve with their God-given gifts and resources. It's also essential to know and believe in the vision of the ministry (Ephesians 5:27), which is the product of our Christian faith.


My favorite scripture verses are Isaiah 42:6-8 and Romans 8:32. Outside of pastoral work, I love watching soccer and movies, spending time and traveling with my family, and playing ping pong.


Pastor Columbus Awung

I have been saved by the grace of God, and I value the Word of God above everything else. This has shaped my beliefs and values as a pastor, and I strive to lead by example through my words and actions. My faith in Christ is not just something I practice on Sundays, but rather it should be evident in every aspect of my life. By doing this, I hope to inspire others to seek a deeper relationship with God and to live according to His will.


As a pastor, I strive to provide guidance and support to all members of our church. Whether it's through prayer, counseling, or teaching, I want to help everyone grow in their faith and understanding of God's Word. One of the experiences that has greatly influenced my faith and beliefs as a pastor was the breakdown of my first marriage. It was a difficult time, but it taught me to rely on God and trust in His plan for my life. It also strengthened my resolve to help others who may be going through similar experiences.


I would encourage new members to attend our Bible Study classes. These classes provide an opportunity to learn more about the Word of God and to ask questions about their faith. Additionally, we have various ministries and groups that new members can join to get involved and serve others in the church.

I believe that praying using the Word of God is a powerful way to connect with God and experience His love and grace. I also believe in the power of the Word of God to transform lives and bring healing to those who are hurting. One of my favorite scriptures is John 10:10, which says, "The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full." This verse reminds me that through Christ, we can experience true and abundant life.


Outside of my pastoral work, I enjoy reading and writing books and watching teachable movies. These hobbies allow me to relax and unwind, while also continuing to learn and grow in my personal and professional life.


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